On Sunday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was hospitalized for the second time in 2024. This could not come at a more inopportune time as President Biden is engaged in high-stakes diplomatic conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, trying to forestall the breakdown of a nearly 50-year-old peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Additionally, the administration is continuing to push for Ukraine funds after a broken-down border and foreign aid deal in the Senate.
President’s Chief Military Advisor Out of Commission During Times of High Conflict

With the United States engaged in conflicts and diplomacy around the globe, many of which are on the precipice of breakdown, the role of Secretary of Defense is of utmost importance. It is unsettling to learn that the Pentagon and Armed Forces leader is out of commission in such trying times.
Congressional Republicans Upset by Lack of Disclosure of January Hospitalization

The lines of communication must be open and transparency is essential in such cases, as many Congressional Republicans complained during his first hospitalization in January, which was not disclosed to them.
Didn’t Disclose January Hospitalization to President or Pentagon Officials

Austin was admitted again to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Sunday due to symptoms related to a bladder condition, less than four weeks following a previously undisclosed hospitalization that led to widespread criticism and several inquiries for not informing President Joe Biden or Pentagon officials.
Secretary Austin Admitted Sunday to Walter Reed Hospital

On Sunday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, at the age of 70, was escorted to the medical facility by his security team around 2:20 p.m., as reported by the Pentagon, weeks after receiving cancer treatment.
Pentagon Officials Informed of Hospitalization Sunday

This time, the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were promptly informed of Austin’s hospitalization. Notifications were also made to the White House and members of Congress, marking a significant change from Austin’s earlier hospital visit, which was kept secret from even the president.
Controversy for Lack of Transparency

The secrecy sparked bipartisan demands for increased transparency in such matters, with Austin later acknowledging his mistake and apologizing for the lack of communication regarding his health status.
Details Not Immediately Disclosed

The details regarding the seriousness of Austin’s health concerns that necessitated his recent hospital visit were not immediately disclosed. Walter Reed medical officials stated Austin was admitted to the critical care unit for care and monitoring.
Delegated Responsibilities to Deputy Kathleen Hicks

Initially, Austin intended to maintain his duties as Secretary of Defense but delegated his responsibilities to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks around 5 p.m. that day. Austin was still in the hospital as of Sunday night.
Previously Admitted to Walter Reed in January

Austin, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early December, faced complications after undergoing a “minimally invasive” procedure to address it. He had previously been admitted to Walter Reed on January 1, spending some time in the ICU before being discharged on January 15.
Congressional Republicans Called for Resignation Over Past Non-disclosure

The delay in notifying the White House and Pentagon officials about Austin’s January hospitalization led to calls for his resignation from certain congressional Republicans and questions about the oversight of the president’s chief military advisor.
Deputy Secretary Hicks Previously Unaware of Austin’s Admission

Interestingly, even Hicks, who temporarily assumed the role of acting Secretary of Defense last month, was unaware of Austin’s cancer diagnosis, treatment, or ICU admission at Walter Reed Hospital.
Delayed Disclosure of Hospitalization

Hicks, who was vacationing in Puerto Rico at the time, learned about the transfer of the Secretary of Defense’s authorities to her through an email on January 2 but was not informed of Austin’s hospitalization until two days later, on January 4.
Secretary Austin Certain to Disclose Health Concerns in Future

This time, preparations were made for Deputy Secretary Hicks, the first woman to serve in this role, to assume the functions and duties of the Secretary of Defense, as stated by the Pentagon Sunday.