25 Lessons Parents Forget to Teach Their Children For Surviving in the Real World

parents teenager arguement monkey business images monkey business images shutterstock
image credit: monkey-business-images/Shutterstock

Becoming an adult is hard enough, but you can soften the blow for your children by educating them on how to navigate the next phase of their lives. Some life lessons are best taught while children are still at home before they have to learn the hard way. Ease your child’s transition into the real world with these innovative strategies to surviving modern life as an adult.

Financial Responsibility

woman restaurant bill tipping unhappy service fee pashyksvsv shutterstock
image credit: pashyksvsv/shutterstock

Teaching teenagers how to manage money bolsters their independence. Teach them about budgeting, saving, and the consequences of debt. Instilling these skills early prepares them for a secure financial future.

Work Ethic

High School College Student Study Laptop Computer NDAB Creativity Shutterstock
image credit: NDAB Creativity/Shutterstock

A strong work ethic will take them far. Encourage teens to take pride in their work at school, at home, and in the workforce. Understanding the value of hard work sets them up for achievement in all areas of life.

Emotional Intelligence

Girl teenager daughter and her father quarrel fight outdoors oleg golovnev shutterstock
image credit: oleg-golovnev/shutterstock

Teach your teenager to recognize, understand, and manage their feelings and those of others. Emotional intelligence builds healthy relationships and encourages thoughtful decision-making.

Critical Thinking

young boy child kid smirk tween teen gdvcom shutterstock
image credit: gdvcom/shutterstock

Encourage your children to question what they hear and see, distinguishing between fact and opinion. This ability helps them make informed decisions and avoid manipulation from peers or even authority figures.


Woman Young Relax Self Care Face Mask Make up Bath Robe Claudia K Shutterstock
image credit: Claudia-K/Shutterstock

We now know that physical and mental health are equally important. Stress the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Teach your children that taking care of their mental health is as necessary as taking caring of their bodies.


Mother Comforting Teenage Daughter speedkingz shutterstock
image credit: speedkingz/shutterstock

Life will inevitably throw challenges their way. Lead by example and show your children how to face setbacks with resilience and learn from failures instead of accepting defeat, which will build character and perseverance.

Digital Literacy

High School College University Student Study Library Education Laptop Monkey Business Images Shutterstock
image credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Teenagers should understand digital footprints, privacy settings, and the impact of their online behavior. Responsible use of technology is a must-have skill because hazardous online behavior can haunt them for the foreseeable future and can interfere with their future job prospects.

Time Management

smiling asian male student sitting at desk in classroom at university taking test or writing notes prostock studio shutterstock
image credit: prostock-studio/shutterstock

Managing time effectively teaches children (and adults) to prioritize tasks, set goals, and balance work with relaxation. Good time management leads to increased productivity and less stress.

Environmental Awareness

Mother Daughter Girl Garden PeopleImages.com Yuri A Shutterstock
image credit: PeopleImages.com Yuri A/Shutterstock

Encourage sustainable practices like recycling and conservation. Instilling a sense of responsibility and respect towards the planet will ensure a healthier future for everyone.


senior mother back away on couch in with young daughter girl teenager fighting fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Understanding and sharing the feelings of others is vital. Teach them to approach situations with empathy and compassion. The best way to teach empathy is to model it yourself. Let your actions be a lesson for your child to replicate.

Global Awareness

Social Workers Volunteers Humanitarian Aid Shelter Donations Dragana Gordic Shutterstock
image credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

The world is bigger than your children’s immediate surroundings. Expose them to different cultures, languages, and global issues to broaden their perspective and build an appreciation for diversity.

Nutritional Knowledge

Family Cook Vegetables Bell Pepper fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Good health starts in the kitchen. Educate your children about nutrition, cooking, and the benefits of whole foods over processed ones. You want to be sure they have the knowledge and tools to properly feed themselves when you are no longer the one cooking for them.

Personal Safety

Women Sporty Fitness App Gym Exercise Friends Bojan Milinkov Shutterstock
image credit: Bojan Milinkov/Shutterstock

Understanding personal safety and boundaries is of the utmost importance. Discuss topics like consent, online safety, and emergency preparedness. These conversations are essential for their protection in various situations.

Relationships and Respect

Teenagers Friends Social Ground Picture Shutterstock
image credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Teach your children about healthy relationships, respecting boundaries, and effective communication. A solid understanding of how to express mutual respect and support will benefit their friendships and romantic relationships.

Independence and Accountability

College Students Education Campus University 4 PM production Shutterstock
image credit: 4 PM production/Shutterstock

Teaching independence and accountability prepares children for the responsibilities that come with adulthood. Encourage them to make their own decisions and understand the consequences.

Creative Expression

Artist woman creative painting hobby wellness Golubovy Shutterstock
image credit: Golubovy/Shutterstock

Encourage exploration in art, music, and writing. Creative expression is a valuable outlet and skill to use their minds and imaginations to create something personal they can be proud of.

Practical Life Skills

woman is smiling and using a vacuum cleaner while cleaning floor at home VGstockstudio Shutterstock
image credit: VGstockstudio/Shutterstock

Basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, and minor repairs are essential for self-sufficiency. You don’t want them to be helpless when they live on their own. Instead, prepare them for the practicalities of everyday life.

Adapting to Change

Mother daughter teen talk Olimpik Shutterstock
image credit: Olimpik/Shutterstock

Change is the only constant in life. Help them understand the importance of adaptability in the face of change. This skill helps them navigate life’s transitions smoothly.

Social Media Savvy

Woman subway public transportation train phone Look Studio Shutterstock
image credit: Look Studio/Shutterstock

Today, we have learned that using social media wisely is very important for our mental health. Discuss the impact of social media on your children’s sense of self-worth and the importance of authentic connections in real life.

Civic Engagement

Eco, environment conservation, protecting planet volunteer beach Prostock studio Shutterstock
image credit: Prostock studio/Shutterstock

Educate your children on their civic duties and rights. Encourage them to stay informed, vote, and participate in community service. Civic engagement builds a sense of responsibility and belonging.

Conflict Resolution

women fighting young teen argument Estrada Anton shutterstock
image credit: Estrada-Anton/shutterstock

Resolving disagreements constructively is a learned skill. Teach your children to communicate openly, listen actively, and seek compromises. These strategies are essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

Young and happy saleswoman in apron making ice cream at the counter of the modern pastry shop jobs ross helen shutterstock
image credit: ross-helen/shutterstock

Understanding workplace dynamics is important for their future. Discuss topics like professionalism, networking, and the value of feedback. These insights prepare them for success in their careers.

The Value of Failure

young woman stressed teenager girl paulik shutterstock
image credit: paulik/shutterstock

Share your own experiences with failure and how it led to growth. Teaching them to view failure as an opportunity for learning is invaluable and will help them cope with their inevitable future disappointments, knowing they are not alone, and this is an expected part of life.

Long-Term Planning

Transgender LGBTQ Boy Sandra van der Steen Shutterstock
image credit: Sandra van der Steen/Shutterstock

Setting long-term goals helps them stay focused on their future. Assist them in planning for higher education, career paths, and personal ambitions. This guidance helps them visualize and work towards their future.

Mindfulness and Presence

Meditate Yoga Family Mom Mother Daughter fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Introduce your children to practices like meditation and mindfulness to help manage stress and enhance focus. Being present in the moment instead of forever dwelling in the past or future enriches their lives and relationships.

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