Black Serviceman Fatally Shot By Florida Deputies After Entering Wrong Apartment

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image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

A black, 23-year-old U.S. Air Force Airman, Senior Airman Roger Fortson, was fatally shot by deputies responding to a disturbance at a Florida apartment. The Deputies mistakenly entered the wrong apartment, where Fortson was alone.

The Moments Leading Up to the Shooting

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Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, representing Fortson’s family, stated Forton was on a Facetime call during the time of the shooting. Fortson heard a knock at the door and called out, asking who was at the door. After hearing no response and more knocks, Fortson picked up his legally owned firearm. When Deputies burst into the apartment and saw Fortson with his gun, they shot him six times.

Aftermath and Witness Account

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image credit: Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock

After being shot, Fortson allegedly repeatedly said, “I can’t breathe,” according to the woman on the Facetime call with Fortson. The woman also stated that there had been no disturbance involving Fortson during their call when Deputies knocked at the door. This suggests that deputies entered the wrong apartment.

Official Response and Ongoing Investigations

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The deputy involved in the shooting is currently on administrative leave as the Okaloosa, Florida County Sheriff’s Office investigation is underway. The Sheriff’s office has expressed condolences to Fortson’s family and requested patience and time for the investigation to return a better understanding of events. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida State Attorney’s Office are investigating.

Calls for Justice and Transparency

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The Fortson family’s attorney, Crump, has demanded the release of body camera footage from the incident to the family in the interest of transparency.

The National Impact and Crump’s Advocacy

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image credit: Peter Kim/Shutterstock

Attorney Ben Crump has been involved in legal proceedings in other high-profile cases where a black individual was shot by law enforcement.

Scheduled Public Address

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image credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

Crump will hold a press conference in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, featuring Fortson’s family. The press conference will discuss the case concerning Fortson and also present Crump’s proposals for policy change and demands for accountability regarding the deputies according to the results of the ongoing investigation.

Community and Official Reactions

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Okaloosa County Sheriff Eric Aden took to the internet to express condolences and sadness regarding the incident that led to Fortson’s death. Aden expressed the need for an investigation and careful uncovering of the facts that led to the shooting and Fortson’s death.

Details of Roger Fortson’s Military Service

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image credit: Glynnis Jones/Shutterstock

Fortson was a special missions aviator who served with the 4th Special Operations Squadron. On a daily basis, Fortson managed weapons on the AC-130J Ghostrider, was familiar with it, and was well-trained in firearms.

Historical Context and Similar Incidents

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image credit: EvGavrilov/Shutterstock

This is the latest case in which law enforcement fatally wounded a black individual in the individual’s own home based on faulty information and circumstantial errors, including wrong addresses or misreported disturbances.

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image credit: DC Studio/Shutterstock

The outcomes for the mistaken law enforcement officials vary in severity from convictions of manslaughter all the way to murder. The widespread use of body cameras should help investigators and courts determine the appropriate consequences of police actions in scenarios where there is a miscarriage of justice or a wrongful death.

Broader Implications and Community Impact

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image credit: gorodenkoff/shutterstock

In recent decades, there has been a healthy national dialogue regarding race and law enforcement practices. Some focus on a need for reform, and others focus on implementing lifesaving protocols to hold law enforcement accountable and prevent errors from turning deadly.

Crump’s Mission and Advocacy

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image credit: WESTOCK-PRODUCTIONS/Shutterstock

Crump’s advocacy work and legal representation for the Fortson family are part of his broader vision to bring about more awareness and support for the value of black lives in our current culture. He engages in advocacy and legal challenges to bring systemic changes to the way law enforcement officials treat black individuals.

Geographical and Demographic Context

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image credit: pisaphotography/Shutterstock

The incident occurred in Fort Walton Beach, at Fortson’s private apartment, where he was allegedly peacefully speaking to an acquaintance on Facetime when his apartment was unexpectedly entered, and he was shot by deputies. Fort Walton Beach is located in between Panama City Beach and Pensacola in Florida’s Panhandle.

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