23 Secular Practices New Christians May Want to Reconsider

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image credit: dean-drobot/Shutterstock

To become a Christian means to follow the ways of the Lord, but there are also cultural practices that create expectations that those unfamiliar with their new religion may not be aware of. Let’s take a closer look at some of the implied responsibilities and modern practices of being a Christian.

Skip Church on Sundays

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image credit: PeopleImages.com Yuri A/Shutterstock

Don’t do it! For many Christians, Sunday services are a fundamental aspect of their faith, offering a time for communal worship and reflection. Missing this weekly gathering is often discouraged, as it’s seen as a key component of spiritual growth and community involvement.

Ignore Lenten Sacrifices

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During Lent, Christians often engage in fasting or giving up certain luxuries as a form of penitence and spiritual enrichment. This period of about forty days leading up to Easter Sunday is a time for reflection and sacrifice that adherents are expected to honor. In contrast, non-Christians might observe this time with curiosity but face no pressure to participate.

Disregard the Ten Commandments

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image credit: Monstar Studio/Shutterstock

A big no-no. The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical laws that many Christians strive to live by, including prohibitions against lying, stealing, and coveting. These commandments form a moral foundation that many Christians see as divinely ordained.

Celebrate Without Restraint During Holy Week

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image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Holy Week, which culminates in Easter Sunday, is a time of somber reflection for Christians, commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Activities during this week are often subdued, with Good Friday being a particularly solemn day marked by fasting and prayer. Non-Christians, however, may use this time for spring celebrations without religious connotations.

Take the Lord’s Name in Vain

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image credit: Pavle-Bugarski/shutterstock

This is a big one. Using God’s name in a disrespectful manner is strictly taboo in Christianity and is viewed as a violation of the Ten Commandments. Christians are taught to use God’s name with reverence, reflecting the sanctity they attribute to the divine.

Engage in Premarital Sexual Relations

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Many Christian denominations teach that sexual relations should be reserved for marriage, a covenant seen as blessed under God. This belief encourages abstinence from sexual activity until marriage among adherents. Non-Christians do not face these religious expectations and often make personal choices about intimacy.

Participate in Pagan Festivals

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This will be frowned upon. Participating in celebrations that have roots in pagan traditions, such as certain harvest festivals, can be frowned upon by some Christian groups who see them as incompatible with Christian teachings. Such participation is often seen as endorsing beliefs that contradict their understanding of monotheism.

Ignore Christian Holidays

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image credit: Kiselev-Andrey-Valerevich/Shutterstock

The church elders will shake their heads. While Christians are expected to observe important holidays like Christmas and Easter, these days are of no religious significance to non-Christians. Thus, non-adherents might treat these occasions as opportunities for secular fun or relaxation, devoid of religious observance.

Reject Biblical Authority

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image credit: Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock

The Church hierarchy should be respected. For Christians, the Bible is often regarded as the ultimate authority on moral, spiritual, and existential matters. This holy text guides decisions and behavior with its teachings and warns of the consequences of breaking with doctrine.

Forego Baptism

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image credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

Baptism is a sacrament in Christianity that signifies purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. This ritual is seen as a necessary step in the faith journey for believers to be forgiven and committed to the Lord.

Dismiss the Concept of Salvation

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image credit: Kleber-Cordeiro/Shutterstock

Absolutely off-limits. Salvation refers to the deliverance from sin and its consequences, achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. Christians engage deeply with this concept, which shapes much of their spiritual lives and practices. Those not of the faith are not concerned with these religious tenets.

Indulge in Secular Media

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image credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

In some Christian circles, there is a tendency to avoid secular media—books, films, and music—that are thought to conflict with Christian values or to expose believers to sinful ideas. This cautious approach is intended to preserve spiritual health by limiting the influence of potentially corrupting messages.

Skip Religious Education for Children

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image credit: Miljan-Zivkovic/Shutterstock

The preacher will disapprove. Many Christian families see religious education as essential, often involving Sunday school or catechism classes to instill faith from a young age. This educational commitment is viewed as vital for spiritual upbringing and moral development.

Dismiss the Importance of Marriage

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image credit: shunevych-serhii/shutterstock

In Christianity, marriage is often sanctified as a sacred union, with religious ceremonies emphasizing its spiritual significance. This perspective might lead Christians to view marriage as a pivotal life event guided by religious principles. Non-Christians might see marriage more as a romantic partnership.

Ignore Sabbath Observances

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image credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Observing the Sabbath as a day of rest reflects obedience and respect for divine commandments. This day is typically marked by avoiding work and commercial activities, focusing instead on worship and family.

Eat Without Dietary Restrictions

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image credit: shafiga baghirova/Shutterstock

Certain Christian denominations observe dietary restrictions during specific times such as Lent, abstaining from meats, or indulgent foods as a form of fasting. These practices are deeply rooted in spiritual discipline and sacrifice.

Disregard Prayer Before Meals

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image credit: Monkey-Business-Images/Shutterstock

Praying before meals is a common practice among Christians, offering thanks for provision and blessings. This ritual instills a sense of gratitude and community among believers. In contrast, non-Christians may begin eating without any ceremonial acknowledgment.

Question Biblical Literacy

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image credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Christians are generally encouraged to accept the Bible as the infallible word of God, with a literal or near-literal interpretation of its texts. Questioning its contents can sometimes be seen as challenging divine authority.

Forego Church Donations

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image credit: PeopleImages.com/Yuri A Shutterstock

Pay your dues! Tithing, or donating a portion of one’s income to the church, is a common practice among Christians, seen as both a duty and a form of worship. This financial contribution supports church activities and charitable works, reinforcing a community’s financial commitment to faith-based initiatives.

Participate in Secular Activism

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image credit: Longfin-Media/Shutterstock

Some Christians may avoid secular activism that conflicts with their religious teachings, especially if it involves causes like abortion rights or LGBTQ+ advocacy. Sticking closely to faith-based morals and teachings guides their involvement in societal issues. Non-Christians can engage in activism freely, guided solely by personal ethics.

Casually Date

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image credit: Jacob-Lund/Shutterstock

What’s the point? Casual dating can be frowned upon in Christian circles, where relationships are often viewed with the end goal of marriage. Many Christians believe in serious, purpose-driven relationships rather than dating for fun or personal exploration.

Celebrate Without Religious Overtones

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image credit: CandyRetriever/Shutterstock

Be careful how you celebrate. For Christians, major life events like birthdays and weddings often include blessings and prayers, integrating faith into celebrations. These events are opportunities to acknowledge God’s role in life transitions.

Avoid Criticizing Religious Leaders

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image credit: AM113/Shutterstock

Respect for pastoral authority is emphasized in many Christian communities, where clergy are often viewed as spiritual guides whose wisdom and integrity are not lightly questioned. Criticizing such figures without substantial reason can be seen as disrespectful.

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