Morning Carpool delivers fresh news, stories, and trends to help jump-start your day. We provide our readers with content they rely on to stay relevant and informed.
Morning Carpool is as much about stories and ideas as it is about entertaining readers. I love spending hours reading up on my favorite topics and aim to bring ideas and insights I think will help boost your day.
Who Are We?
Our team is comprised of mostly millennials would are spread across the US- from Oregon to Florida. Our business philosophy is simple- research is important, but being in the know is paramount. We spend many hours a day reading and learning about topics that matter to us, so we can curate interesting articles that highlight the most important stories.
Yes, we are content junkies who spend too much time reading. But our hope is to save you some time and bring some of the highlights I have discovered to jump-start your day.
Morning Carpool: Values and Method
Our editorial team is the glue that holds everything together. They help source ideas, fact-check, review, organize, outreach, and publish our content weekly. All our content is original; however, we get inspiration from various sources (my favorite publications are Bloomberg and National Geographic), and we sometimes use AI or social media to help generate ideas. I currently write the majority of each piece myself.
We believe everyone should get a few key tidbits to improve their day, even if some days it’s more entertaining than serious.
When covering current events or polarizing topics, we try to maintain a centered, balanced approach. Our editorial team is committed to making sure we are not spreading any false news, facts, misleading information, or theories that have been invalidated by scientific research.