23 Types of People Who Suck the Life Out of You

adult girls sisters friends siblings argue fight
image credit: kamil-macniak/Shutterstock

After spending an hour with your friend or coworker, you feel exhausted and depleted. They are so needy, emotional, and talkative that it takes all your energy just to power through your time together. You start to dread seeing them and find yourself making excuses to avoid them. This type of person comes in many different forms. Let’s take a look.

Energy Vampires

Moody young woman stressed sad couple fight worried dmytro zinkevych shuttersttock
image credit: Dmytro-Zinkevych/Shutterstock

Sometimes the people closest to you, like a best friend or family member, may unknowingly drain your energy. They require constant attention and affirmation. Their neediness can exhaust your emotional reserves, leaving you feeling depleted.

Constant Complainer

mother yelling son fight comeback images shutterstock
image credit: comeback-images/shutterstock

Nothing ever seems right to the constant complainer, who sees the glass as perpetually half-empty. This person’s relentless negativity can sap the joy out of any situation, making it hard for those around to maintain a positive outlook.

Drama Magnet

Young couple with problem on reception for family father fight Psychotherapy africa studio shutterstock
image credit: africa-studio/shutterstock

Drama magnets attract chaos like a moth to flame. They seem to live in a perpetual state of crisis, which they often amplify for attention. Engaging with them can leave you emotionally exhausted and distracted from your own priorities.

The Gossip

young couple fight serious conversation bearfotos shutterstock
image credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

This person thrives on spreading rumors and revealing secrets, often stirring trouble in their wake. Engaging in gossip may seem harmless, but it fosters an environment of mistrust and tension. Their tales can undermine friendships and create unnecessary drama.

The Victim

Unhappy mature father and adult son not taking after fight fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Victims perpetually see themselves as the target of external circumstances. They refuse to acknowledge their role in their misfortunes, which can be frustrating and draining for those who try to help them. This mindset prevents personal growth and continuous reliance on others for support.

The Controller

couple fight pregnant feeling unwell after husband screaming at her yelling prostock studio shutterstock
image credit: prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Controllers need to dictate every detail, often under the guise of being helpful or having superior knowledge. Their inability to delegate or share control can stifle creativity and independence in others. This overbearing behavior can be both suffocating and energy-depleting.

Perpetual Pessimist

Male Nervous Thinking Anxious Sad depressed Kleber Cordeiro Shutterstock
image credit: Kleber-Cordeiro/Shutterstock

Always expecting the worst, the perpetual pessimist can drain the hope and optimism out of any plan. Their doom-and-gloom outlook prevents them from taking risks or trying new things. This negativity can be contagious and demoralizing.

Media Addict

Friends Phone Social Coffee Jacob Lund Shutterstock
image credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

This person’s life revolves around their online presence, often seeking validation through likes and comments. Their obsession can lead to neglect in face-to-face relationships, creating a shallow and unsatisfying social interaction.

The Critic

Mother and daughter unhappy arguing sitting on sofa at home fight kraken images shutterstock
image credit: kraken-images/Shutterstock

Nothing you do seems good enough for the critic, who is quick to point out flaws and slow to give praise. Their constant critiques can erode your self-confidence and enthusiasm. It’s exhausting to be around someone who never seems satisfied with your efforts.


Mother and daughter after quarrel on sofa in home fight bear fotos shutterstock
image credit: BearFotos/shutterstock

They ask for advice but never really listen, preferring to talk over you or ignore your suggestions. This one-sided conversation pattern can leave you feeling undervalued and invisible. It’s tiring to engage with someone who only values their own voice.

The Flatterer

Mature couple talking to each other in sofa fight goodluz shutterstock
image credit: goodluz/Shutterstock

Flatterers use excessive compliments, often to manipulate or win favors, rather than genuine praise. Their insincerity can be draining to discern and manage, as their real intentions are usually self-serving.

The Projector

Family members having conflict at home in kitchen fight bear fotos shutterstock
image credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Projectors deflect their issues by attributing them to others, often accusing friends or colleagues of their own faults. This deflection causes confusion and unnecessary conflict. Dealing with a projector requires constant energy to navigate their distorted reality.

Decision Maker

Couple savings pay bills money budget finance baranq shutterstock
image credit: baranq/Shutterstock

This person insists on making choices for others, often without their input or considering their preferences. Their control over decisions can lead to resentment and a feeling of helplessness among those around them.

Silent Brooder

young woman thinking sad upset nervous anxious depressed fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Brooders hold onto anger and resentment without expressing it directly. Their silent treatment can create an uncomfortable and tense environment. This passive-aggressive behavior forces others to walk on eggshells, draining their emotional energy.

The One-Upper

Woman Friends Eating Out Restaurant Dinner djile Shutterstock
image credit: djile/Shutterstock

Always needing to outdo others, the one-upper can’t share the spotlight or allow anyone else a moment of success. This competitive nature often leads to feelings of inadequacy and resentment in others.

Jealous Type

poc woman angry frustrated RollingCamera shutterstock
image credit: RollingCamera/Shutterstock

Driven by insecurity, jealous individuals may undermine others to protect their own status or relationships. Their behavior can lead to a toxic environment of suspicion and competition. Coping with their constant comparisons can be incredibly draining.

The Over-Explainer

Business woman confident pitch meeting finance investor fizkes Shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

They provide excessive detail that isn’t always necessary, often overwhelming the listener with information. This tendency can be exhausting as it leaves little room for others to contribute to the conversation.

The Isolator

comforting his sad mourning friend embracing tragedy
image credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Preferring to handle everything alone, isolators reject offers of help or collaboration. This can place unnecessary burdens on their own energy reserves and alienate those who wish to support them. It’s draining to maintain a relationship with someone who is perpetually distant.

Guilt Tripper

Shocked depressed senior father getting bad news partents mother fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Using emotional manipulation, guilt trippers coerce others into doing what they want. This can create a heavy emotional toll on those who are subjected to their tactics. Dealing with their emotional blackmail can sap your strength and joy.

The Sceptic

mother food eating angry older ground picture shutterstock
image credit: ground-picture/Shutterstock

Skeptics doubt every decision and intention, often questioning the validity of positive outcomes. Their constant scrutiny can undermine confidence and stall progress. This relentless doubt is not only wearying but also inhibitive.

The Interrupter

poc couple arguement on couch
image credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Frequently cutting you off in conversation, the interrupter shows little regard for your thoughts or feelings. This rudeness can make you feel disrespected and unheard. Constant interruptions disrupt the flow of communication and drain your energy.

The Hypochondriac

cold older senior woman lying in bed under warm blanket sick ill fizkes shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/shutterstock

Always concerned about potential illnesses, hypochondriacs require reassurance and attention. Their constant worry about health can be contagious and emotionally draining. Dealing with their anxieties can take a toll on your mental well-being.

Eternal Child

Young Male Gaming Virtual Reality VR Technology SFIO CRACHO Shutterstock
image credit: SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock

Never wanting to grow up, the eternal child shirks responsibilities, forcing others to handle their duties. Their avoidance of maturity and responsibility can be burdensome to those around them. It’s tiring to be the perpetual caretaker in the relationship.

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