Viewers Described Trump’s 93 Minute RNC Nomination Acceptance Speech As ‘Somber and Mellow’

President Donald Trump Evan El Amin Shutterstock
image credit: Evan El Amin/Shutterstock

In a historic and iconic 93-minute rambling speech touching on everything from pop culture references, catchy phrases, a personal description of being shot in the ear and narrowly missing a fatal blow, to a moving tribute for a fallen rally attendee who died in the failed assassination attempt, former President Donald Trump accepted the nomination as the Republican Presidential Candidate on the fourth and final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Descriptions of Trump’s Speech

Former President Donald Trump Republican Politics Christopher Halloran Shutterstock
image credit: Christopher Halloran/Shutterstock

Many have described Trump as somber and mellow in his 93-minute acceptance speech. Many Twitter fans and commentators were discussing turning off the speech and going to bed, some humorously drawing a contrast between the perceived feebleness of Biden. At the same time, it seemed as though Trump was poised to keep talking all night.

Trump’s Visible Injury

Former President Donald Trump Republican Evan El Amin Shutterstock (1)
image credit: Evan El Amin/Shutterstock

Trump wore a conspicuous white bandage on his right ear, protecting the wound he received from the assassination attempt Saturday night at his Butler, Pennsylvania, rally.

Recounting the Assassination Attempt

Politics Donald Trump Rally 2018 Evan El Amin Shutterstock
image credit: Evan-El-Amin/Shutterstock

In the first thrust of his speech, he announced that he would retell and detail for one time only the events that occurred the night he was shot. He said that the story was too painful to recall and, therefore, he would not retell the story again publicly.

Trump’s Personal Account

Former President Donald Trump Politics Republican lev radin shutterstock
image credit: lev radin/shutterstock

He went on to describe from his perspective what he saw, felt, and heard as the shooter attempted to assassinate him. He describes his thoughts and reflections post-shooting, saying, “If I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark. And I would not be here tonight. We would not be together.”

Gratitude for the Secret Service

Secret Service snipers Security on public event guard Private bodyguard Jeffery Edwards Shutterstock
image credit: Jeffery Edwards/Shutterstock

Overall, Trump expressed gratitude and appreciation for the Secret Service, noting their bravery, courage, and quick response to provide him with security cover. He lauded the sniper who killed the assassin in one shot from a great distance away, more significant than the distance between Trump and the assassin himself.

Support for the Secret Service

Security on public event Secret guard service Private bodyguard with earpiece standing among crowd Sharomka Shutterstock
image credit: Sharomka/Shutterstock

This narrative may prop up the Secret Service, which has come under the fire of Republican legislators for failing to sweep the rooftop and secure the former President during his campaign event. Trump did not reveal any hint of indiscretion or failure of the Secret Service and showed confidence and trust in the agents.

Acknowledging Allies and Supporters

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image credit: donald-evan-el-amin/shutterstock

Trump also spent many minutes thanking his allies and supporters in attendance at the RNC, the other speakers, and waxed on and about the crowd of fans who attended the rally in Pennsylvania and remained to see if Trump was okay rather than running toward the exits as he claimed is the norm in active shooter situations.

Length and Tone of the Speech

Former President Donald Trump Politics Republican Tennessee Witney Shutterstock
image credit: Tennessee Witney/Shutterstock

Trump’s speech, at 93 minutes, is the longest acceptance speech in modern history. His tone was notably softer and more reflective than in the past, and he continued his insistence that he would win the Presidency this November. The polls are currently trending in his favor.

Absence of Bombastic Remarks

Former President Donald Trump Politics Republican mark reinstein Shutterstock
image credit: mark reinstein/Shutterstock

The relative absence of bombastic and incendiary remarks may also boost his chances as he tries to gather a broader electoral coalition to secure his election.

Limited Attacks on Biden

President Joe Biden Politics Democrat Evan El Amin Shutterstock
image credit: Evan El Amin/Shutterstock

Trump said he would not mention his opponent, President Joe Biden’s name. He did not keep this promise, but the references to his political foe were fewer than in the past, and he did not use derogatory name-calling as he had in the past.

If Trump attacked Biden, given his current feebleness and public descent, Trump would appear more of a bully than many voters already believe him to be.

Call for Unity

Politics Trump Fist Bump Rally Evan El Amin Shutterstock
image credit: Evan-El-Amin/Shutterstock

Trump pointed out the need to heal the disunity in the political realm today. He said, “The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. A single fate and a shared destiny bind Americans. We rise together. Or we fall apart.”

He continued, “I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America.”

Immigration and America First Policy

water river texas us border patrol crossing guard fence Vic Hinterlang shutterstock
image credit: Vic Hinterlang/shutterstock

In the latter half of the lengthy address, Trump described his commitment to ending the “invasion” of individuals into the country, claiming that many of them are sent by governments trying to get rid of their most problematic citizens by bringing them into the U.S. and refusing to take them back when deported.

Focus on Financial Security

Former President Donald J. Trump Republican Politics lev radin Shutterstock
image credit: lev radin/Shutterstock

He emphasized his “America First” policy to ensure that American citizens are not being taken advantage of financially by other countries or having their jobs and livelihoods imperiled by foreign interests.

Absent Issues

Gun Firearm Shooting Range WPixz Shutterstock
image credit: WPixz/Shutterstock

Several other prominent GOP issues were not discussed, including abortion rights and gun rights.

Unified Republican Support

JD Vance speaks politics republican politician lev radin Shutterstock
image credit: lev radin/Shutterstock

One notable aspect is that virtually no prominent Republican figures oppose Trump. He has brought all of his former partisan foes around, many of them even fully supporting him by speaking at the RNC.

These include Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Governor Ron DeSantis, and most notably his running mate, Vice Presidential Nominee JD Vance.

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