Iowa to Enforce Six-Week Abortion Joining 14 States by End of Month

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image credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

As of next Monday, abortions after six weeks gestation will be outlawed in Iowa. Iowa’s restrictive abortion law passed in 2023, but enforcement has been suspended until now.

No Constitutional Right to Abortion

Des Moines Iowa Aerial Jacob Boomsma Shutterstock
image credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Last month, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that there is no constitutional right to abortion either at the state or federal level. Therefore, the hold on the law was lifted.

District Court Judge’s Order

Court of Law and Justice Trial Judge Gavel Gorodenkoff Shutterstock
image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Yesterday, a district court judge ordered the law to take effect on Monday, July 29.

Buffer Period for Continuity of Services

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image credit: Cryptographer/Shutterstock

Implementation was delayed one week from the ruling, as abortion providers requested a buffer period to provide continuity of services.

Waiting Period Requirement

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image credit: Natalia-Deriabina/Shutterstock

Abortion providers found this necessary because pregnant women in Iowa are required by law to wait 24 hours to have an abortion after the time of the initial consultation.

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image credit: ground-picture/shutterstock

Before the passage of the six-week law in 2023, abortion was legal in Iowa up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Iowa State Supreme Court Decision

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image credit: Chinnapong/Shutterstock

The June decision by the Iowa State Supreme Court paved the way for the restrictive legislation to be enacted.

Influence of U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

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image credit: Gary-Blakeley/Shutterstock

The change was only enabled by the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade, which would have made a law such as that passed in the Iowa legislature unconstitutional, as Roe v. Wade conferred a federal right to an abortion and prohibited states from passing more restrictive abortion laws.

Iowa Among States Restricting Early Abortions

Court of Law Trial in Session legal lawyer judge Gorodenkoff Shutterstock
image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Iowa is now one of a dozen states that have passed laws restricting abortions to early weeks of pregnancy.

Current State Abortion Bans

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image credit: Rena-Schild/Shutterstock

At this time, 14 states ban abortion altogether, and including Iowa, four states now ban abortion after six weeks’ gestation.

Opposition to the Legislation

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Opponents of the legislation point out that many women may not realize they are pregnant at six weeks gestation.

Nuances in Iowa Legislation

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image credit: John-roman-images/shutterstock

There is some nuance to the Iowa legislation, allowing abortion after six weeks in the case of rape or incest if reported to law enforcement or a health provider within a certain period. Additionally, abortions are permitted if the baby is deemed “incompatible with life” or if the mother’s life is in danger.

Planned Parenthood’s Response

image credit: Ken Wolter/Shutterstock
image credit: Ken Wolter/Shutterstock

Planned Parenthood, who opposed the legislation and fought it in court, stated that it will continue to operate in Iowa and fill its appointment schedule.

Two Planned Parenthood offices in Iowa have stopped providing abortions since the law initially passed in 2023. Only two remaining Iowa Planned Parenthood facilities offer in-person abortions, and three others provide medication abortion.

Preparation and Expansion Efforts

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image credit:Josep-Suria/Shutterstock

Ruth Richardson, CEO and president of Planned Parenthood North Central States, said her organization has been preparing for this outcome for the past year and has expanded abortion clinics in nearby Mankato, Minnesota, and Omaha, Nebraska, to provide abortions for pregnant Iowans who are unable to access the procedure in their state.

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