25 Modern Behaviors That Would Disappoint Jesus and Contradict His Teachings

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image credit: PeopleImages.com Yuri A/Shutterstock

Jesus’ teachings continue to challenge individuals even centuries later. However, modern life often starkly contrasts with the principles he promoted. Here, we examine the various ways people’s actions contradict the core teachings of Jesus, showing how tricky it can be to live a faith-based life in today’s world.

Judging Others Harshly

Couple Fighting Emotional Stressed Break up fizkes Shutterstock
image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Jesus taught not to judge others, famously stating, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Yet, it’s common to see people harshly judging others for their mistakes or choices. This contradiction to Jesus’ teachings of compassion and understanding is prevalent even among believers.

Seeking Retribution

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image credit: BearFotos/shutterstock

“Turn the other cheek” is a directive from Jesus that emphasizes forgiveness over vengeance. However, modern society often celebrates revenge and retribution as forms of justice. This tendency goes against the foundational Christian principle of forgiveness.

Excessive Materialism

young women shopping stores RossHelen shutterstock
image credit: ross-helen/shutterstock

Jesus warned against the accumulation of wealth and taught that one cannot serve both God and money. Despite this, the pursuit of material wealth is frequently prioritized over spiritual considerations in modern culture, directly opposing the values of contentment that Jesus advocated.

Ignoring the Needy

Social Workers Volunteers Humanitarian Aid Shelter Donations Dragana Gordic Shutterstock
image credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,'” said Jesus, underscoring the importance of caring for the needy. In stark contrast, modern society often overlooks or marginalizes those in need.

Promoting Conflict

women fighting young teen argument Estrada Anton shutterstock
image credit: Estrada-Anton/shutterstock

Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace, advocating for reconciliation and peace. Yet, individuals and nations often glorify war and conflict in the name of power or security. This aggressive approach to conflict resolution contrasts sharply with Jesus’ message of peace.

Living in Fear

Public speaking Fear scared anxious Woman LightField Studios Shutterstock
image credit: LightField-Studios/Shutterstock

“Do not be afraid” is a recurring theme in Jesus’ teachings, encouraging faith and trust in God. Today, many live in constant fear, influenced by media, political rhetoric, and societal pressures. This culture of fear contradicts the trust and peace that Jesus sought to instill in his followers.

Valuing Tradition Over Compassion

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image credit: icsnaps/shutterstock

Jesus criticized the Pharisees for adhering strictly to tradition at the expense of mercy and kindness. Nowadays, many still prioritize religious or cultural traditions over the well-being and dignity of individuals, which often leads to exclusion and harm.

Spreading Falsehoods

Girls friends siblings chatting talking conversation consulting together two casual women couple family secrets gossip andrii Iemelianenko shutterstock
image credit: andrii-Iemelianenko/shutterstock

Jesus emphasized the importance of truth, yet the modern phenomenon of spreading misinformation, especially on social media, flourishes. Whether for personal gain or out of ignorance, disseminating lies is a direct contradiction to the teachings of honesty and integrity.

Holding Grudges

Young bearded business man pointing a finger to partner and blaming men brothers suits fight little pig studio shutterstock
image credit: little-pig-studio/shutterstock

Forgiveness was central to Jesus’ teachings, yet many harbor long-term resentments against others, which leads to bitterness and broken relationships. Learning to forgive, difficult though it may be, aligns more closely with his examples and instructions.

Lacking Humility

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image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Jesus taught the importance of humility. In contrast, modern culture frequently encourages self-promotion and pride based on achievements, appearance, and status. This self-centeredness is in stark contrast to the humble servitude Jesus lived and taught.

Neglecting Self-Care

Woman Young Relax Self Care Face Mask Make up Bath Robe Claudia K Shutterstock
image credit: Claudia-K/Shutterstock

While Jesus advocated for self-sacrifice, he also took time for prayer and reflection, understanding the need for spiritual replenishment. Today, people often neglect their own well-being in pursuit of busyness and productivity, which can lead to burnout and health issues.

Being Intolerant

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image credit: stock-lite/shutterstock

Jesus was known for his radical inclusion of those who were marginalized and judged by society. Yet, intolerance based on race, sexuality, religion, or gender is prevalent in many communities today. This intolerance contravenes Jesus’ teaching to love your neighbor as yourself, no matter their background or beliefs.

Failing to Protect the Environment

Global Warming Trash Protest Liberal Climate Change recycle landfill Ground Picture Shutterstock
image credit: Ground-Picture/Shutterstock

Jesus showed a profound respect for creation, often withdrawing to the wilderness to pray. Modern disregard for environmental conservation and the relentless exploitation of natural resources conflict with the stewardship role humans are given in the Bible. This failure to protect the environment undermines the biblical call to safeguard creation for future generations.

Disrespecting Children

Children Kids Jumping Skipping Rope School Playground BearFotos Shutterstock
image credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Jesus placed great value on children, urging his followers to welcome them and to “become like little children” to enter the kingdom of heaven. However, society often undervalues children’s views and needs, contrary to Jesus’ teachings.

Prioritizing Law Over Love

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image credit: gorodenkoff/shutterstock

Jesus criticized those who followed religious laws but ignored the deeper needs of the people around them. In many cases today, people might adhere strictly to the letter of the law while neglecting the spirit of love and compassion it’s meant to serve.

Encouraging Divisiveness

Young couple with problem on reception for family father fight Psychotherapy africa studio shutterstock
image credit: africa-studio/shutterstock

Jesus prayed for unity among his followers, envisioning them as one body with many parts. However, today’s society is often marked by divisiveness and polarized groups. This culture of division runs counter to the unity and oneness Jesus advocated.

Focusing on Appearances

Woman elegant fashion wealthy mirror jewelry MaxFrost Shutterstock
image credit: MaxFrost/Shutterstock

Jesus warned against doing righteous acts for the sake of appearance rather than from genuine faith. Today, the emphasis on image, whether through social media or in personal branding, often promotes superficiality over authentic living.

Not Being Present

Glass Elevator to Office in Modern Business Center. Successful Manager Smile while Using Smartphone Gorodenkoff Shutterstock
image credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Jesus was fully present with those around him, giving them his full attention and care. Modern distractions, especially from technology, often prevent true presence and deep connection with others.

Misusing Power

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image credit: minerva-studio/shutterstock

Jesus used his power to serve others, washing his disciples’ feet as a sign of servant leadership. Today, those in power often use their position for personal gain rather than to serve others. This misuse of power contradicts the servant leadership model that Jesus exemplified.

Avoiding the Poor

Homeless Volunteer Shelter Dmytro Zinkevych Shutterstock
image credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

Jesus spent much of his ministry with the poor and outcasts, seeing them as worthy of love and attention. Modern society often stigmatizes poverty or ignores the poor, choosing instead to isolate them.

Consuming Excessively

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image credit: lisa-a/shutterstock

Jesus lived a life of simplicity, warning against the accumulation of wealth and possessions. In stark contrast, today’s consumer culture promotes constant acquisition and excess. This lifestyle of consumption disregards the simplicity and contentment that Jesus modeled.

Being Quick to Anger

poc woman angry frustrated RollingCamera shutterstock
image credit: RollingCamera/shutterstock

Jesus taught patience and cautioned against anger, noting that it was akin to murder in one’s heart. Yet, in today’s fast-paced and high-pressure society, quick tempers and harsh reactions are common, directly conflicting with the peaceful and thoughtful demeanor Jesus taught.

Using Religion for Exclusion

Business people having a discussion work fight men brothers argue jobs suits minerva studio shutterstock
image credit: minerva-studio/shutterstock

Jesus used his teachings to include those who were typically excluded by the religious elite of his time, advocating radical inclusivity. However, modern religious groups sometimes use their beliefs to justify excluding or judging others.

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